The Average Man
by atlanticchurch
- 523
The Average Man
The Average Man
Husbands, Wives, and Porn Č In many of my articles, I “bust” husbands for their lack of sexual maturity, their lack of development in male/female interaction, their lack of awareness – both of themselves and of their lady, and their lack of understanding of and apprehension about their lady’s innate wisdom and sexuality.
The fact is, until a husband purposely develops himself so that he can more maturely interact with his wife in a sexual manner, he will continue to lose his wife to other men.
The fact is, until a husband can gain the ability to mature sexually, he will continue to lose his wife to other men who can more mature sexually.
Today in our culture there is a prevailing attitude that it is almost desirable for a man to be a ” nudist” — nudist meaning not wearing clothes and not caring about clothes. This attitude stems from the ancient Greek philosophy of nudism — which holds that clothes are unnecessary.
From this ancient Greek philosophy comes the motto “No bones about it” which basically means that bones are only important when someone is not “naked” — i.e. when he or she is not posing in a nude manner. In other words, bones are only useful when no one else is around (i.e. when he or she is only posing with clothes off).
Many men are — through their sub-conscious — lazy and sub-consciously lazy. And they will continue to remain lazy and sub-consciously lazy because they are — through their sub-conscious — programmed to remain lazy; and, their sub-consciously lazy programming canal mis-programs them to be sub-consciously lazy.
Now, the difference between a man and a dog is that a man will go to any animal hospital — or animal shelter — that he can afford and walk into the premises, at any time of any day and “get the help” he needs. A dog, on the other hand, will go to a dog hospital — or shelter — that will give him the love and care he needs.
Now, consider what happens to a woman who goes to adog shelterand finds herself facing a veritable ” woods of horn” of male dogs, all waiting to beondished with love and cared for.
What happens next? She will be “accidentally”OUNDED by one of these male dogs — and then she will become more inadvertentlyIN THE F Fortune of these male dogs than she ever could have imagined.
The question that naturally arises is:
“If the average man is so interested in sex, then the average woman should be able to find a man who is equally interested — in mind — sex and in body — if she just traipses into his room and says, ‘Hey Dause, what’s up — I’m having a great time tonight, and I’m going to rip your clothes off and give you what you want — sad, I know, right?”
The truth is that this is exactly what happens, because the average man is — mostly because he is — insecure. Most of us will admit that we prefer to know that our man is 100% into us without having to tell him. We don’t want to be the first to tell him we think he’s sexy and we don’t want to be the first to comment about how hot he is.
So we respond to his insecurity by trying to encourage him with ” compliments,” like this: “You’re so sexy,” or “You’re so hot,” and things like that. And then after we’ve given him a compliment like that, we’ve gone and gotten some sex out of it.
Like I said before… the average guy is insecure. And after he’s had the experience of having sex with his woman and knows that she doesn’t think he’s as sexy as he thinks he is, he often — because he’s proud of his insecurity — goes and starts thinking about his insecurities Shamefacedly asking his woman if she thinks he’s any good in bed.
And, what do you think happens next? Well, usually what happens is he puts the blame on his woman. He says, “Well, I should have known I was not good enough in bed to keep you satisfied.” And his woman will usually say something like, “You don’t know how to arouse me and give me an orgasm” or something like that.
Do you now see how this happens?
So the average guy thinks that because he is not good in bed, it means she is not satisfied. And the average woman feels like she is not satisfied because the average guy thinks that she can not have an orgasm. Do you see how this problem goes back and forth again and the guy is always wrong?
So if you want to be a great lover, the secret is to think about her and your pleasure, in bed together.
The Average Man The Average Man Husbands, Wives, and Porn Č In many of my articles, I “bust” husbands for their lack of sexual maturity, their lack of development in male/female interaction, their lack of awareness – both of themselves and of their lady, and their lack of understanding of and apprehension about their lady’s…
The Average Man The Average Man Husbands, Wives, and Porn Č In many of my articles, I “bust” husbands for their lack of sexual maturity, their lack of development in male/female interaction, their lack of awareness – both of themselves and of their lady, and their lack of understanding of and apprehension about their lady’s…