One Size Does Not Fit All
by atlanticchurch
- 826
One Size Does Not Fit All
One Size Does Not Fit All : There is no product too good to be true. There is also no magic ingredient to make you thinner and healthier. The same is true with exercise. There is no surefire way to make us slimmer and fitter. The fact is that we were not meant to be Hortonlite, W Osborne, or any of those other fancy terms. Our bodies were meant to be fit, built, and maintain their correct weight. Correct weight is defined as the amount of weight the body can maintain whileprotecting againstdiseases of the upper aerodigestive organs. 조루 치료 To lose weight, we need to either lose fat mass (most of which is storage) or muscle mass. Body muscle mass is the ability of the body to move and perform tasks. Fat bodies are only fit if they contain muscle. Exercise helps us to lose fat mass and gain muscle mass.
The unfortunate problem we have today is that the average individual thinks they need some form of muscle mass or fat free mass to be healthy. What most people don’t realize is that the so called “healthy” diet does NOT follow the bones of the body out or the muscles out. There has been way to much processed food come into our lives, way too much fast food and way too much or too little sugar. Have you ever seen an obese vegetarian? I’m not sure if there has been one in the history of time!
In the past our ancestors were eating unprocessed foods like the foods that surrounded the caveman era. These ancestors of ours either ate raw whole foods that are typically raw fruits and vegetables or they ate meats and vegetables that were raw and were cooked. The foods our ancestors ate were much more nutrient dense and they also contained the fat and the calories necessary for the tools and weapons that they used. Today we still consume a great deal of unprocessed foods and a smaller amount of cooked foods. The ideal diet would consist of a lot of raw whole vegetable medium chain triglycerides and a smaller amount of cooked whole vegetable carbohydrates.
The Paleo Diet also contains common sense and reasonable exercise. You don’t need to follow some poorly working out regimen designed by a fitness expert or by athletes; walking is plenty. Just get off themicrowave and walk approximately 30 minutes a day. Some other examples of daily active exercise would include walking around our neighborhood, playing with our kids in the backyard, or going to and from work. All of these activities would add about 250 calories to your day.
The Paleo Diet and fruit are excellent plankton food source. Extra bonus to this would be if you find yourself competing with your friends at the swimming pool or gym and you have loser. Not only will you be eating healthy and trying to lose weight, but you will also be healthier. There is nothing healthier than a group of ripped abs eating fruits from the tree.
I use to drink just Muscle Food and indulge myogensis habit in my college days. But after a while I got into better control and now I only indulge my habit for special occasions. I would like to do it all summer long and not worry aboutiating any long term health problems.
Correct weight is defined as the amount of weight the body can maintain whileprotecting againstdiseases of the upper aerodigestive organs. 조루 치료 To lose weight, we need to either lose fat mass (most of which is storage) or muscle mass. Body muscle mass is the ability of the body to move and perform tasks. Fat bodies are only fit if they contain muscle. Exercise helps us to lose fat mass and gain muscle mass.
Correct weight is defined as the amount of weight the body can maintain whileprotecting againstdiseases of the upper aerodigestive organs. 조루 치료 To lose weight, we need to either lose fat mass (most of which is storage) or muscle mass. Body muscle mass is the ability of the body to move and perform tasks. Fat bodies are only fit if they contain muscle. Exercise helps us to lose fat mass and gain muscle mass.